Do You Snore (loudly)? Are You Tired or Sleepy During The Day?
You May Have A Sleep Disorder You’re Unaware Of
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Fit for Duty
Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a common sleep disorder that causes interruptions to your breathing while you’re asleep.
The interruptions occur when the airway narrows so much that it closes and breathing stops. The brain reacts by briefly waking the person, which causes the airways to reopen and breathing to restart.
At Fit for Duty, we offer screening, assessments, diagnosis, and treatment for sleep apnea.
We also have a store that sells sleep aids for those with sleep apnea and for those who wish to improve their quality of sleep and general health and wellbeing.
Find Out More
Fill in the form below or contact us at - 0800 627 763

Ongoing Support
Our Physiologists offer ongoing support to ensure that all patients are compliant and are maximising their CPAP therapy.

Sleep Tests
We offer at-home sleeping tests to monitor your sleep and patterns. The test will establish if you have OSA or any underlying sleeping problems.

Sleeping Aids
If you are struggling to sleep throughout the night, our online store offers a range of sleep support aids to help assist people to get a good nights sleep.

Expert Clinicians
We have expert Clinicians supporting patients throughout the program, so you can have peace of mind knowing you’re dealing with expert professionals.
Sleep Apnea in NZ
Unidentified Sleep Apnea in NZ Can Slow Down Workforce Productivity
Our Fit for Duty program is helping businesses and individuals to manage the risk of sleep apnea in NZ. Although sleep apnea can easily go undiagnosed, it does present itself as a cause of concern for employers. It results in reduced focus, disrupted concentration, poor mental and physical health and delayed reaction times, causing reduced productivity and an increase in preventable accidents.
The Importance of an Apnea Sleep Test
We recommend all employers in New Zealand, especially those operating in high-risk environments, to include a clause in their employment agreements, requiring workers to adhere to a sleep apnea test. Consider the relevance of such a provision in your business.
Legislation requires businesses to ensure employee safety within reason. It includes the health of employees and safe workplace conditions to prevent injury. Sleep deprivation is a significant concern affecting employee health, causing accidents and injuries.
Employees with sleep apnea pose a safety risk to your business. It does in no way imply dismissal of an employee who tests positive for OSA, nor should it make individuals with OSA feel vulnerable in the workplace. Help is available to manage the condition.
Proper testing can identify the condition and sets the path to successful management. The apnea sleep test can be the vital resolution between an employee and employer to find a workable resolution where cooperation is key.
History of Fit for Duty
The US National Sleep Foundation states that sleep deprivation affects one-third of the population (the number one killer in the world). Rachel Lehen developed the Fit for Duty program in 2014. Since then, we have screened and helped hundreds of people. We consider the health and safety of employees and workplace conditions as fundamental to a healthy business contributing to a strong economy. Therefore, we support both companies and individuals to manage the condition successfully.
Your business doesn’t have to be at risk of unidentified sleep apnea. Let’s engage in finding solutions to create a safe and productive environment.
Do You Snore (Loudly)?Are You Tired Or Sleepy During The Day?
Find Out More